What do you tell your child when you are fleeing war and violence together?

In ‘Children of the Labyrinth’, nine refugee parents - all stranded in Greece - have written intimate letters to their children. In it, they recount their arduous journey and the helplessness they feel to be caught up in the European asylum policy, what they wish for their kid in the future, but most of all, how incredibly much they love them.

The letters offer a deep human insight into what it really feels like for a parent to have to bring your little one to a life-threatening labyrinth of high walls, violent pushbacks, human traffickers and tent camps, without wanting to. 

This project can be seen on:

Made by me and my partner Philip Brink.


This project was broadcasted on Dutch National TV for 5 days in a row.

Published on: Le Monde (FR) Internazionale (IT) , Der Spiegel (GER), Tagesspiegel (GER), Atlas Dergisi (TUR), Volkskrant Magazine (NL), Jan Magazine (NL).

It has been exhibited on PhEST photo festival (IT) and at the IND congress (NED). More to come in 2024.


This is the trailer.